Monday, April 7, 2014

How do you define failure?
 Failure is when you give up or just accept defeat. Or if you never try, or set out a  goal in the first place. If you tried your hardest but you didn't make it, its OK. You can hold your head up high and say I did my every  best and I'm proud of myself.                                                                                                                                                                                               
How do you define success? 
To me success is when you complete a goal. Its that feeling of accomplishment when you get something done.When you have completed the challenge set out before you. Or when you have overcome an obstacle. 
I like this picture because that's how we all look when we finish a project and you know its amazing. Its the face of accomplishment.
"A person who never made a mistake never never tried anything new"
I like this quote because you should always try. Its OK to make a few mistakes that just life. Life is all trial and error. You always have to keep going.